See you tomorrow.
A year long project to upload a picture from my phone everyday! SNAPCHAT EDITION
Friday, October 28, 2016
Day 57 ~ Big Screen TV at the USO
I stopped in at the USO and sat in their big comfy chairs and CNN was on. Turns out they found more Clinton emails. Nothing will come of it.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Day 56 ~ Christmas Yodels
I went shopping for bread and came across these snack cakes in Christmas packaging . That means before ChristmAs gets here, Drakes will run out of the special packaging . Kinda iratates me.
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Day 55 ~ At Church, Celebrating my Patron Saint

See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Day 54 ~ Watching a Movie!
Karen and I borrowed the movie THE BIRDS from the library. It is one of Hitchcock's best! To be honest, it's been so long since I've seen it that I forgot the plot so it's like watching a new movie!
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Day 52 ~ During my Break
In the break room someone thought it would be funny to put a cup on someone's head. We laughed....I guess we are easily entertained.
See you tomorrow.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Day 51 ~ Volunteering at the USO!
Today is my first day as a volunteer at the USO and I love it already! The Newark airport doesn't have a lot of foot traffic at the USO but that is because it's relatively new. I had a great conversation with a navy guy who also has a cineotoghrapher business. It's great talking to military people...they are the best!
Here is a picture of the front door before it was open.
See you tomorrow.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Day 50 ~ watching the Debate !
I'm almost finished watching the debate. In many ways, Clinton is better at this than Trump but I am still supporting Trump. Clinton should be in jail for her mishandling of classified material and I believe Trump will do things to make the economy grow. Plus, he is for strong military and secure borders. I'm not sure if polls can be trusted so even though they say Hilary will win, I guess we'll see.
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Day 49~ Desert storm anniversary
26 years ago today I was deployed with my unit to Saudi Arabia. It was desert storm! The picture above is me delivering mail to people in my unit. It was an honor to serve with all of those in my unit.
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Day 48 ~Eating Meatballs for a Good Cause
The first aide squad had a fundraiser today. Meatball subs for four dollars! Sounds like lunch to me. I get to eat and support a good cause.
See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Day 47 ~ A Belated Birthday Message
So I went to my bank to conduct business on the ATM and this B-day message pops up...8 days after my birthday. I guess I hadn't been to the bank in a while.
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Day 46 ~ Going to Vespers!
It was great to be back. I love the Icons, the chanted Psalms, the incense and the sense of awe! To me, it is worship!
See you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Day 45 ~ At the Gas station
See you tomorrow.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Day 44 ~ At the Movies
When I was a teenager, I used to go to the movies by myself often. It's not that I didn't have friends but I really enjoyed movies and didn't mind seeing them alone. Well today I went to see THE ACCOUNTENT with Ben Aflek (sp?) and I thought it was really good. Normally I see you movies with my wife but I don't think she would've liked this one.
See you tomorrow.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Day 43 ~ A Delicious Dinner!
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Day 42 ~ My Trophy Case
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Day 41 ~~ In the City, at WTC Memorial
Karen and I went to the city, (New York, of course) and went to the World Trade Center Memorial. We saw a lot of flowers next to people's names. I imagine for many this is the only place for them to visit to pay their respects because they had no body to bury. God bless them all!
A video of the same.
Another flower!
The tower, which we didn't go in.
The first thing you see after you come out of the subway.
See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Day 40 ~ in the City
Karen and I went into Nee York City. Other than the fact our feets were killing is, we had a good time .above you see we went to South Street Seaport. Sadly, at a lot of it was closed for renevations.
We also went to M &M world, which means I ate too much chocolate.
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Day 39 ~ Fresh Water
One thing I like about work is, in the break room , they have fresh water. Even when they run out of cups , I still have my Water bottle I can refill...I love cold water !
See you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Day 38 ~ Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my birthday ! One of my favorite snapchatters sent me a birthday cake, which I doctored up a bit and put on my own snapchat MY STORY. Yesterday started my birthday celebration and it continues into next week!
See you tomorrow.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Day 37 ~ Steak at UNCLE JACK'S
My brother Joe wanted to take me out for my birthday (which is tomorrow) so Karen and I drove to Bayside, Queens, NYC and Joey took us out to dinner. The name of the place is UNCLE JACK'S and the steak was delicious! The name of the dish is THE FRED FLINSTONE and you can see why.
Here is the appetizer which was also delicious.
See you tomorrow.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Day 36 ~ Giving Blood
I used to give blood on a regular basis but the last couple of times i went , The placement of the needle was wrong so it hurt. In fact, the very last time I went they put it in wrong and said they had to re-stick me. I declined and went home. I think they use different needles for "double reds" which may account for it hurting.
I decided to give it another shot but only am giving regular blood and not "double reds." Hey, I got free snacks out of the deal.
See you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Day 35 ~ Melting Metal!
My son has always had an interest in science so he bought some Bismuth, a metal that has a low threshold for melting. Above is the melted Bismuth, turned into some crystals. Below you'll see the whole process plus a video!
We begin with the grill!
Still solid.
It's melted!!!!
My son poured it into a mold which sits over a strong magnet. I think that helps make the crystals but I could be wrong.
Here's a video of bubbling metal!
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Day 34 ~ Harry's Razors at Target!
I like Harry's Razors. I got a set for $10 over the Internet but that was the introductory offer. The next time it cost me $15 but I liked them so I did it. Now I can get it at target for cheaper. It's a win-win.
See you tomorrow.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Day 33 - At Five Guys
My son got a hankering for FIVE GUYS so I took him to get some while I waited in the car. Maybe, next time I'll get one two.
See you tomorrow.
Day 33 - At Five Guys
My son got a hankering for FIVE GUYS so I took him to get some while I waited in the car. Maybe, next time I'll get one two.
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Day 32 ~ Deer in a Prayer Garden
On Saturday, I stopped by the church on the way to work so I could drop off a thumb drive they use to record the services. I saw this deer in the prayer garden and took a picture. There were other deer there too but only this one got in the picture. As soon as I went to take another picture they all ran away. Guess they are camera shy.
See you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Day 31 ~ Lunch at Roy Rogers
I felt like chicken today so I got a two piece dark meat combo with fries, biscuit and birch beer. It was delicious. And, yes, that's my car in the background.
Here is a picture that adorns the walls of the restaurant. I actually like Roy's chicken better than KFC.
See you tomorrow.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Day 30 ~ Dreary, Rainy Day
See you tomorrow.
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