Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 310 ~ Whoppie pies

bake your own!
So I went shopping with Karen last week and we happened upon a homegoods store. I saw this and I wanted it. Back when I worked for Hostess, I used to confuse my costumers, whom I just sold product to, when I would purchase a whoopie pie. It was always vanilla that I liked and it was fattening and delcioius. My customers would say, "You have a whole truck full of cake" but they didn't understand how much I loved whoopie pies. My favorite brand is "Fernanndo's Bakery" which is a bakery out of North Jersey so if you ever want to get me a present, you know what to get me....My birthday is October 8th, just in case you need to know....:)

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the chocolate ones are sort of like devil dogs....don't worry, Drakes is coming back in Mid-September. The company that owns LITTLE DEBBIE bought out the Drake's Label and will distribute it through their Little debbie drivers.
