the picture by my coffee pot |
I go to sleep early since I usually wake up at 230am to go to work so I told my wife, If Romney wins put a smiley face next to the coffee pot, if Obama wins, put a sad face next to the coffee pot and if it is undecided, then put a question mark next to the coffee pot.
This is what I found.
I have to say, it is very depressing to know that our country is fundamentally transformed from the values it had at its founding.
Funny how our country "is fundamentally transformed from the values of our founders" every time a Democrat wins. The vision of our founders still exists. The process worked. We have free elections. 100 million voters voted, peacefully. No riots. No military presence. What the founders envisioned is alive and well. The process works. It worked yesterday, it worked in 2008, 2004, 1996, 1992, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1976, 1972, 1968, 1964, 1960, 1956, 1952, 1948, 1944, 1940, 1936, and so on. Yes... I don't think it worked very well in 2000. Not because GW won, but because it fell apart for a little while.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mike the process worked and, we as Americans, have chosen. We have decided that we will continue to grow the size and role of government in our lives. Obama care will be implemented fully and the government will fine me if I don't purchase health care.
ReplyDeleteIf I decide to open a business, I MUST provide abortifacient contraceptives to my employees if they want it, even though I believe abortion is murder. I could face jail time.
Our national debt is more than or Gross Domestic Product. Think about that! We can't pay for anything we are doing. And President Obama shows no signs of doing anything different from before. He will continue to print money, do more borrowing and, sooner or later, the whole thing will collapse.
I don't think any of our founders had this in mind when they started this country.
Yes, our country is changed and I don't like the change.
I concede defeat.