The Sign inside the theater |
So, I'm driving home Friday afternoon, all depressed because I just lost my job and I am tune into the radio and the Christian Radio station, the Bridge, is giving away tickets to "Screwtape Letters on Stage." I didn't even know where the event was going to be so I call up anyway and, guess what, I won! It turns out the event is in New York City and they give me some choices as to when to go. I pick Sunday afternoon and my wife says I should take our daughter, Sara, to go with me. She was just returning from college that day for her long break before School starts up again in January.
The Free Ticket that got us in! |
You can see my name on the ticket and where the price is supposed to be, it says, Comp!I love Free things!
Turns out tickets were going from $49 each so I got a good deal.
Piano Guy in Washing Square Park |
We drove into the city and I was very happy to get a free parking spot on the street. That is like a miracle in New York, although on a Sunday it is possible. I was glad we didn't have to pay for parking. We had lots of time before the 3pm performance so we walked over to Washington Square park and we saw this piano player playing Chopin and other classics. He was selling CD's for ten dollars but we just put two dollars in the bucket.
We also saw some really cool "break dancers" on the other side of the park but when they started asking for audience members to "help" in the show, we left right away because Sara did not want to get picked!
a favorite place for lunch! |
We had time for lunch so we were happy that they had a "Five Guys" in Manhattan.
Sara, hiding behind a burger |
We sent this picture to my wife's phone to let her know where we were eating lunch.
Daniel, enjoying that Fry! |
It turns out that, at the very same time we were in a Five Guys in Manhattan my wife, Karen and son, Daniel, went to Five Guys in our town! Now, that's funny!
The audience in costume |
Before the show started, I noticed the lady in front of me wore her "devil horns" to the show. I guess that makes sense since the "Screwtape Letters" is about correspondence from a senior devil to a junior tempter full of advice on how best to tempt his "patient."
Sara, before we went in! |
We really had a great time at the show. After this, I am going to send a "thank you" email to the Bridge radio station for giving us the tickets. I, of course, will link this blogpost in the email! I see this little trip as a gift from God to cheer me up as I begin a new phase in my life. Having your company shut its doors can be depressing, since I have been working for them for 24 years but I do look forward to what happens next.
See you all tomorrow!