Where the Physical took place |
As many of you know, I have applied to become a TSO (Transportation Security Officer) with the TSA. Ever since late December, I have been going through different stages trying to get hired by them. I took their Computer Based Test, had an interview and filled out all sorts of 'paperwork" for a background check. So far, so good. Yesterday, I went to get checked out to see if I pass medical requirements.
important TSA paperwork |
These are the packets/papers I had to take with me. The paper on the left was an extensive medical question-ere the paper on the right was the appointment sheet, giving the place and time of the physical. The packet in the middle was for the clinic to open, not me!
Warning label |
As you can see ,they take this very seriously. If I had opened the packet, which contained their medical forms for them to fill out on me, plus a urine sample cup and maybe other things I didn't know about,-if I had opened it, I would have been disqualified as a candidate and no TSA job for me!
Medical packet |
The packet had an instruction sheet on top, telling me not to drink coffee directly before the physical, not to listen to loud noise before the physical to drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. When I got there the nurse named Lisa took my blood pressure, tested my eyesight, my hearing and my ability to distinguish colors, besides taking the urine sample. Then I was off to see Dr. Bernstien, who shook my hand upon meeting me (something I always liked when Doctors did) and he asked me Medical history questions and tested my ability to walk and bend.
They are not allowed to tell me if I passed by TSA standards but I did ask how my health was and they said, "Fine." So, if the TSA agrees then I am one step closer to being hired! Well, at least, I hope so!
See you tomorrow.