Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 76 ~ Maybe getting a New Phone!

The Samsung Brightside
I might  upgrade to the Samsung Brightside which actually has a better camera than the phone I use now.  (my current phone is 2 MP verses the 3.2 MP of the Brightside). I did some research and the negatives about this phone is some say the voice quality isn't the best and even though it has a video cam, that is absolutely horrible. Well, that's okay, since the name of my blog is My Daily Phone Pic not My Daily Phone Vid.  What I like about the phone is it is NOT a smart phone and doesn't require an monthly data package. I don't think I will ever get a smart phone because  if I did, I'd be on the internet all day long and never get any work done!
The Walmart Special
The only reason I am considering the upgrade at all is it is only 97cents at Walmart (plus a two year commitment to Verizon Wireless) and if I don't like the phone I can return it in 15 days. Sounds like it's worth a shot.

The only problem is that both Walmarts near my neighborhood have been out of stock and don't know when Verizon will send more phones.  I guess I have to be patient.!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Just remember it is a phone whose primary function is to talk and listen. Just me, if it doesn't sound good i keep looking.

  2. but in my case, talking is secondary...picture taking paramount!
