Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 60~ Merry Christmas!

a full house at church
 Last night at church, the Christmas Eve was packed! In fact, when I came in I felt a little claustrophobic so I asked the sound/video guys if I could worship from the Sound booth in the back. they said Yes. 

Jonathan, the sound guy.
 Jonathan is home for Christmas. It was good to see him at his old post behind the sound board. He is going to School for sound so he is almost a professional.

The video Screen person
The little Christmas lights you see by the video screen were put there by James.  I guess he wanted a festive feel for the sound booth workers.

Keeping track of Santa 
For some reason, James thought it would be important to track Santa's progress through the night so he placed a tablet on top of the sound stack so that all in the booth could see Santa's Dashboard.

NORAD Santa Tracker
As of the Christmas Eve service, Santa had just cleared Africa and was headed towards South America.

Pastor Del
As is our custom, Pastor Del went down the aisle while we all sang Silent Night Here is Pastor Del lighting the candles of a parishioner in the back.  He went to special pains to explain that you do NOT tilt a lit candle; otherwise wax gets on yourself (and he didn't say this but thought it, no doubt) and on the rug.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!

Norm, an usher let me take a picture of his candle.

Virtual Flames
We ran out of candles so the people in the sound booth went to plan B. Above, James turned on his candle App and a little flame lit. Everyone else in the sound booth pulled out their smart phones and did the same. I don't have a smart phone but I did have my Ipod so I lit my Candle app, too.

lots of candle light! 
Here is the church as candles are being lit.

I changed the church sign
I always hated when church signs advertised events that have passed. So, right after the service, I changed the sign to what it says above instead of  Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7pm.  I can keep this Christmas message up till at least New Years!

Merry Christmas!

And as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us all, everyone!

See you tomorrow!

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