Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 117 ~ A Valentine at the VA Clinic

A Valentine's Day Card for Vets
I went to the Veteran's Administration Clinic to get my blood pressure re-checked (It was a bit on the high side 2 weeks ago) and as I sat at the desk to schedule my next appointment, I notice this stack of Valentine's Day Cards. Evidently, a school group made these for the Vet's and, if I wanted to, I could take one.  How sweet!
inside of the card
 It turns out when you open the card it is really a word find. I imagine it is for people to pass the time while they wait to see a doctor. I am not much on word finds and don't really find them amusing so I didn't take one and thought I 'd leave it for someone who did like them.

What I did like was how the Vets are still being remembered by our school children. God bless the teacher who led the class to do this and the kids who actually put them together.  At the VA clinic I see a lot of Vietnam era vets and even some Korean war heroes. To me, those guys really deserve respect. I am not downplaying my own veterans status and it was an honor to serve but I am truly grateful for these guys who faced more hardships than I ever did. God bless our Vets!

See you tomorrow.  

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