Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 11 ~ Today We Voted!!!!

I marked Romney, as you see! Sorry, Barry

As you can see, I voted for Romney/Ryan just like I said I would! There were also school board members to be voted on plus two public questions.  My son, Daniel, asked, "Is it legal to take pictures inside the voting booth?" I honestly don't know but I figured if I didn't ask the poll workers, then I wouldn't knowingly break any rules.

I got home early today so that I could vote with my son Daniel, his first election and my wife Karen.  Justin, my other son, already voted!  I never like to miss voting, even on "off" years. I figure I have no right to complain about anything if I don't participate!

By the way, if you didn't vote yet, go ahead and do it! There is still time!!

but, of course, you should vote your conscience. :)

me pressing the "Cast Vote: button to make it official!

Daniel and I walking to the polling place!

Daniel walking in

posing, at his mother's request! He is such a good son!

Hey, I vote here today!

Karen, doing her civic duty!


  1. I hate to tell you that you are not support to take pitchers. I'm glad you got to go with your family to vote. thanks again for the great blog

  2. I know, I just found out by my facebook friends....oh, well; I won't do it again but I don't think I'll get arrested....
